Forums » Area key discussion

Area key % to be added?

    • 17 posts
    March 20, 2021 7:44 pm +07
    Can a % be added to show the % of highlighted and unhighlighted that would win? Will help players to see if a dealer has a signature that is stronger on 1 area?
  • October 7, 2021 1:50 am +07

    Aha! I wish i had seen this beforehand cos its a similar concept to what ive been working on. 

    Would this be at all useful to you Sam? AREA KEY COLOUR CHART

    I hope you can see how it works... basically the number/colour cell dictates the neighbour range you need to play to hit. 

    Very much a work in progress, now need to learn formatting so i can quickly and easily list recent results, as it is now i have to find the cell that lines up with EITHER axis (forget which is x and y lol), rows are in wheel order as u can see, but columns in numerical order so either can be 'spun from' and the other the 'result'.

    There is another way i could display data that might be better for seeing any trends. That has 9 ranges (13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,X) and might be too detailed to help spot trends? I could make it so there are 8 ranges for the 36 slots excluding the number being spun from. Not keen on using 27 anyway tbh.

    EXAMPLE - Last number/spun from = 1 

    20,14,31,9,22,18 (Clockwise13), 29,7,28 (CW19) 12,35,3 (CW25), 26,0,32,15,19,4 (CWX)

    33,16,24,5,10,23 (Counter CW13), 8,30,11 (C-CW19), 36,13,27 (C-CW25), 6,34,17,25,2,21 (C-CWX).

    That would essentially give THRICE the data calc currently does. This info would tell us more clearly if we should tighten or loosen our neighbour bet range, and if its worth switching to reverse. Maybe use names like 'near depth 0' and 'far depth 0'? My thinking is the far depth 0 or the near depth 1 would be red flags to either stop betting area, or widen range etc. Might work better as a new feature tho, call it width :P 

    It could also, POTENTIALLY, show a new form of betting we could capitalise on... the middle ground! Basically covering half area half reverse either clockwise or ccw... I tried this once with good results, she was always on the edge, never hitting middle area nor the opposite side of wheel, and was always going in 1 direction so i covered half area clockwise and half of the reverse and it hit nicely :),,