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Highlighted Area Colour Coded

  • October 12, 2021 4:26 am +07

    So im now unsure if this would even help but it seemed a good idea at the time I thought of it so il suggest it anyway. 

    Often saw a hit or miss right on the edge of area covered, but always have to look at the wheel to see how much it landed in or out of the area, as soon as i started using calc i thought it would be nice if the spin history could work better.


    By recording the results not just in numbers but in what 'depth area' they hit. But for that to work you need greater detail in the highlighted area, all green atm, but if it looked a bit like this -" alt="" width="641" height="175">

    From 0 - Black is reverse 4. Grey is reverse 8. Red covers neighbours using sets of 25-19 numbers. Yellow 17-11. Green 9-3.


    When results comes in you can immediately see how much you won or lost by whilst inputting result. Example - if they are always hitting green and yellow you can use 17 numbers, or if they always hit grey and red then that thing ive never ever seen Ed or Sam do... play the middle area! in that it would be 8-25 and 16-18 a few yellows included playing 19 numbers :P


    Obviously the way the calc works atm you cannot track 23 or 25 numbers, would be really nice for us more risk averse ppl who dont/cant double up each bet ;) Thinking about it now i did quite well before i got the calc playing 25 numbers and manually tracking... lol might try 21 for now but please Ed help me.


    So Ed - could a grid results box be possibly made to replace the spin history one, and/or adjust the calc to colour them close green, middle ones yellow and outer ones red. Could scale it for ranges yaknow?

    Im just fairly sure we should factor in how much we win by, i mean if you hit either of those red numbers using 19 sure you win but only just and shouldnt it be a red flag to not necessarily stay on the highlighted? if its borderline could playing reverse 25 sometimes be good too? hmmm...

  • October 12, 2021 4:28 am +07

    oh bollocks the pic did not work, i had to set it as my profile pic, it showed up in draft form so thats weird... tried to upload it normal way but got eternal spinning circle of doom, thats happened other times too on forum im unable to post pics.

    Il post it in main update i guess

  • October 12, 2021 4:40 am +07

    Cannot edit my post still :(

    Hope this works

  • October 18, 2021 10:47 pm +07

    Im working on some other strategies atm and trying to think of a way to display the area segments -

    Pretty much settled on 6 segments (4 mirrored), excluding last number spun from, 3 either side of it i  would colour green. Now if it still hits area but outside green its hitting the 'area wings', id colour these purple and blue. The 'reverse wings' yellow and orange. And reverse area is red. So -

    Green 7 numbers hit

    Purple 13 numbers hit

    Blue 19 numbers hit

    Yellow 25 numbers hit / reverse 19 hits

    Orange reverse 12 hit

    Red reverse 6 hit

    Made picture as an example but cannot upload again :(


    I shall use Eds data from his latest video "Roulette Prediction Software: how to win at roulette" using dealer tracker.


    For these 10 spins = 26,4,0,9,18,18,31,28,3,28,22, we get 10x depth 0 and 1x depth 1, dunno how that adds up to 10 spins cos ive already ignored the other depth 1 which was really a depth 0 but anyhoo.... now this is a sweet dealer for highlighted area but lets see how much she hit that area by and where the reverse landed.


    WOW that purple/green streak would be a real green flag to not only bet highlighted earlier but maybe to even use less than 19 numbers, all but 2 would have won here covering 13! And it went to depth 1 by only just missing hitting the yellow. This in my mind would be a further indicator to stay on the highlighted area... but as we all know im almost always wrong and alas...


    next 10 spins = 16,0,25,28,19,24,25,12,4,6,26,, the switcheroo! she hits depth 3, 2x depth 1, 2x depth 0.


    26>6=Y/6>4=P,4>12=B/12>25=Y/25>24=O/24>19=R/19>28=B/28>25=Y/25>0=B/0>16=R.... Hmm so key things are no greens at all, so the 4 times it did hit HL area it hits purple once but blue thrice! so only just hitting. For reverse its a mixed bag but favoring 3x yellow over just 1 orange and 2x red. All of this combined points to MIDDLE AREA, a hybrid of area AND reverse, can be 1 third or vice versa. In this case playing blue area and yellow/orange reverse in total 18 numbers. But you could also play red instead of orange ofc



    next 11 spins = 9,5,17,21,22,30,17,5,0,1,12,16,, can you spot the trend yet? btw this is RANDOM im finding this out as i input data. I chose Eds last vid to make it random but these are INTERESTING RESULTS id say! So i m h o, the trend is steadily switching from HL to reverse. And here we are she hits depth 5 and 2 and 1, no depth 0. THAT has to be a long term trend change ive just perfectly illustrated by pure luck :D


    16>12=O/12>1=O/1>0=R/0>5=R/5>17-O/17>30=B/30>22=R/22>21=R/21>17-G/17>5=O/5>9=Y.... so thats 4 orange and 4 red proving the reverse is strong. 1 green the only real close HL hit from 20 spins! 1 blue 1 yellow meh


    Granted 30ish spins is a not a great sample size, need more examples of where it does not flow like this did, if we call those 3 sets of spins sessions the first was all HL, 2nd was mostly middle, 3rd pure reverse, real trend i see there :P

    Ed was just using dealer tracker and did well, but with area key 2.0 colour coded version he could have cleaned up here! obviously we cannot see the clear trend until afterwards, but a switchup style of betting based on how they are changing could surely reap rewards? if id had all these results in real time id have felt like going with reverse in 3rd session! js lol. Working on a rough template formula im just gonna have to test out with data.


    Ed i know it might be a right bitch to code but using this or some kind of colour system in the calc to help spot trends quicker is i think ESSENTIAL. The depth bars would look great multi coloured with red/orange/yellow showing how deep the depth was throughout and the right end of coloumn will be either green/purple/blue to show how it came back to HL area. On my next example i think il make a mockup or what this would look like to tempt you into doing it for us ;)


    If anyone happens to read this far :D lol then please can you post your spin history numbers here or in feed whenever you play, thanks ;)


  • October 18, 2021 10:55 pm +07

    Had fun using MS paint for first time since school lol. This is spinning from 0 btw. As it is right now all green/purple/blue show as green on calc. Id just like a further breakdown to help spot trends both easier and quicker hopefully.


    Getting rotating software might be too tricky but would be nice if it showed like this on calc and just rotated the centre of the green to last number spun yaknow? im asking too much lol, like i said tho Ed im great at ideas but il leave it someone else to figure out how to actually implement it lol" alt="" width="1420" height="1380">

  • October 19, 2021 5:15 am +07

    Adapted my spreadsheet for the new colour scheme, much prefer this one. Sadly im stupid and cannot work out which function to use from it to make a good results table, as it is i think i will use it just putting a = then clicking column OR row from last result, then click the cell of the result along that row or column


    Might simply make for a pretty pattern that could be used for the NHS or gay pride but hopefully it can help me spot trends. Hope this is of some use to someone here -